Friday, July 8, 2011

Here we go

Entry numero uno! I have a feeling that this first recount won't be all too entertaining as most of it was spent uncomfortably stuck in an airplane seat. But in the spirit of my Italy blog ( it will probably pick up tomorrow. The following are small snip-its that I jotted down at various points in the journey, which is going on 30 hours thus far (very little of which was spent asleep...)

The flight to NY was unremarkable except for the rather large black woman sitting next to me, whose pink velour-clad thighs I got very cozy with as they spilled over into my seat. The flight was pretty ghetto all around mostly because they had the old school TVs in the middle of the plane for everyone to look at. And of course on said ghetto TVs they played nonstop Lincoln adds in between random Office and Glee episodes. Not exactly an encouraging start to 24 hours of plane time.

Even New York was a little bit of a culture shock. I managed to catch a glimpse of a few genuine guidos as well as more Hacidic Jews than I have ever seen before. This might have been because the flight across from our gate was going to Tel Aviv. I tried really hard not to stare but they had the sickest hats, I couldn't help it. For some reason there are also a bunch on the flight to Africa, though I can't figure out why.

I got into JFK at 6 am, where I waited for my bag for a good half hour and meandered my way up to departures. The South African Airways check in was closed until 730am, so I camped out with a group of 7 other volunteers I found sleeping on the floor next to it. Then more of us kept trickling in, and you could spot us a mile away with our rolling duffels and sleeping bags. Which, by the way Mom, everyone has brought their own sleeping bag! Even though my volunteer placement said we didn't need them I am feeling so unprepared--probably because I have had the last 10+ hours to think about it. Thankfully I have found a girl named Tess from Boston who is volunteering with me and is also sleepingbag-less. Now we can be cuddle buddies if we get cold haha.
As I write I have sat in my current seat for about 7 hours. That means we are about to fly over Senegal and have another 8 hours to go, but I am trying not to think about it. My ass is numb and my knees won't unbend. But I'm sitting on the aisle (YES!) next to two hilarious girls, Molly and Annie from Oklahoma and North Carolina respectively. Both will be living in Cape Town, but not with me.

The Dramamine is working (thank God) but unfortunately I'm not all that drowsy... I am considering taking more but not until after the next food service, which I am too hungry to sleep through.

...And of course the food didn't show up until the last hour of the flight. It was breakfast (at midnight Seattle time), which included surprisingly good french toast with blueberry sauce, a mini croissant, fruit salad and yogurt. So far I have been really impressed by SAA's food, it almost makes up for the ungodly long flights. As does the movie selection; in the 15 hours I slept maybe an uncomfortable hour or two, spaced out with 4 different movies. I know, I know, I'm not sure how I could sit through 4 movies in a row either...

Right now we are on our third and final leg of the trip, which involves a 2 hour flight to Cape Town. When we landed in Johannesburg it was a brisk 2C (~35F), and the sunrise was absolutely amazing. Definitely Lion King status. Also coming from Seattle it seems so brown and flat here. Looking out the window right now one could mistake it for some midwest state, all tawny and patchwork like. Maybe Cape Town will be more lush.

Tomorrow when I'm rested and sharp again I'll tell you all about where we're staying and everyone here. THAT will be entertaining...


  1. Sorry about the crappy travel, but it sounds like it's going to be totally worth it! I assume you brought a camera or can perhaps use your phone's camera, so you should catch and post a snapshot of one of those sunrises.

    And more importantly of your cuddle buddy, assuming she's cute!

  2. Great first post for being so sleep deprived. You paint such vivid visuals...I can just picture the pink thigh overflow. Anyway, glad that's all over and the food was good. Yes, can't wait for photos.
    Sleep well you brave world traveler. Love ya!

